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Natural Resources



Enviropro provides a wide range of custom-tailored and innovative approaches for natural resources permitting and assessments related to renewable energy, upstream and midstream oil & gas, transportation, residential and commercial development markets. Our in-depth experience and high quality services aid in assisting clients with addressing federal, state and local requirements.

Enviropro provides a wide range of water resources services to our clients. Our extensive background in multiple United States Corps of Engineers (USACE) districts provides diverse experience, allowing us to coordinate the most challenging projects. Enviropro’s Wetlands Scientists are experienced with a variety of Nationwide Permits and Individual Permits, as well as preparing requests for Jurisdictional Determinations.

  1. Wetland Delineation
  2. Jurisdictional Determinations
  3. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permitting
  4. Mitigation Monitoring

Enviropro provides a wide range of protected species and other wildlife related services to our clients. Enviropro’s seasoned Biologists are permitted for presence/absence surveys for federally endangered species, and habitat assessments. We have conducted acoustics monitoring and analysis in multiple states for a wide variety of bat and herpetological species. We provide federal and state regulatory consultation services as required by our Client’s projects.

  1. Endangered Species Surveys and Federal Consultation
  2. Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessments
  3. Eagle, Raptor and Songbird Studies
  4. Bat Acoustic Monitoring
  5. Biological Monitoring
  6. Post-Construction Mortality Studies

ESE is experienced with a variety of reporting and field investigations required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) including Environmental Assessments and Categorical Exclusions and other similar studies requested by our Clients. Enviropro conducts Critical Issues Analyses and Site Characterization Studies for a variety of clients, but primarily for proposed renewable energy development. Enviropro is experienced with studies required by municipalities, including but not limited to, Environmental Resource Inventories required by the City of Austin.

  1. NEPA Environmental Assessments and Categorical Exclusions
  2. Critical Issues Analyses (CIA)
  3. Site Characterization Studies (SCS)
  4. Environmental Evaluation Studies
  5. City of Austin Environmental Resource Inventories (ERI)